Section A
- We must all get an A for Science
- Read the questions and understand the questions properly.
- We have to look at the answer provided and choose an answer.
- We have to check the answers.
Section B
- Read the instructions and questions carefully.
- We have to understand the questions.
- Answer the questions.
- We have to check the spelling.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Science Workshop
Posted by Jenn Lin at 8:00 PM 0 comments
Bahasa Malaysia Workshop
Paper 1
-We have to read the questions carefully and underline the keywords.
-Understand the questions and choose an answer.
-When we read the passage, we have to underline the important imformation.
-Do not be too confident when answering the questions.
Paper 2
Section A
- We must always read the instructions.
- Look at the picture and circle the information.
- Answer the questions slowly and carefully.
Sections B
- Read all the questions and choose the one that is the most suitable for youself.
- Write down the important points and support the points.
- Write the essay as creative as you can.
Section C
- Read the passage and underline the moral values.
- Write all the moral values in one paragraph.
Posted by Jenn Lin at 7:39 PM 0 comments
English Workshop: 17 July
English Workshop 2010
Paper 1
- We must not make any mistakes.
- Read the questions carefully before you answer.
- We must not answer the questions quickly.
Paper 2
Section 1
- Do not predict.
- Write sentences according to the picture.
- Do not start the sentence with a pronoun.
- We must not make any simple sentences.
- We have to look at the question carefully.
- Transfer the information properly.
- We have to support our choices.
Section 3
- We have to read the instructions carefully and understand the picture.
- The essay must be at least 4 or 5 paragraphs.
- We have to write the essay using the correct tenses, grammar and and punctuation
Posted by Jenn Lin at 7:10 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 31, 2010
Appreciation and Reflection
I would like to thank my English teacher, Pn Ng Bee Ling for guiding and teaching me through this folio. I would like to thank my mother for also teaching me when i am at home. I want to also thank my friends who helped me when i had trouble doing this folio.
I have learnt many new things after completing this folio. I have also gained a lot of knowledge. I know what is tolerence and conflict and i have learn many ways to cool down when i loose my temper.
Posted by Jenn Lin at 6:21 AM 0 comments
What is a conflict?
Conflict is a disagreement or misunderstanding.
Three ways to cool down are:
1. Take a time out.
2. Do something you enjoy like reading or listening to music
3. squeeze a pillow or yell into it to let go your anger
Posted by Jenn Lin at 6:01 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Do I believe that i am cool?
Yes, i believe i am cool because i care about my friends and family. I love them very much and i do not loose my temper very often. I also accept all my friends for who they are.
Below is a picture of my friend named Jacey Hen. I think she is cool because she cares about me and does not get mad very often. She is also a loving and caring person. She is also always there for me.
Posted by Jenn Lin at 8:10 PM 0 comments
Tolerence is:
the willingness to accept or tolerate especially opinions or behaviour that you may not agree with or people who are not like you.
My mother: because she is good and caring
My father: because he always teaches me new things.
My friends: because they are fun to be with and they accept me for who I am.
My sister: because she always helps me in my studies.
My brother: because he is funny.
My teachers: because they teach me
My cousins: because they care about me
my grandfather: because he is always there me
Posted by Jenn Lin at 7:53 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 2, 2010
2 May 2010: Sunday
Busy Week!
I have been very busy these days. First, the handball competition will be on the 5th of May. We have already started after school practices. I am usually very tired after school because playing handball is very tiring especially when we have to play in the scorching sun.
Yesterday, i followed my mother to watch a concert at 1 Utama. The concert was by Tokyo Hotel. Bunkface and Pop Shuvit were the opening act. They performed many songs. The music was very loud and the crowd were screaming happily. I even had to shout to talk to my mother. Although my mother and I had to stand for a very long time, but we enjoyed the concert very much. We had a great and memorable time.
Posted by Jenn Lin at 5:44 AM 0 comments
Story Review : Holes In The Fence
Title : Holes In The Fence
Written by : Sheikh Hassan Seylan 'Abad
Illustrated by : Raihan Munif Bahasuan
Published by : Abad Ceria Enterprise
The story is about a boy who has a bad temper. He has no friends because of his terrible temper. Even his own family dislikes him. One day, the boy even scolded his father. The father purposely treated him like a boss to make him see how wrong he was to treat his father thus. The boy immediately realized that he has a very bad temper. He wanted to change. He asked his father for help. The boy's father asked him to hammer a nail into the fence whenever he loses his temper. On the first few days, the boy hammered many nails into the fence because he lost his temper so often!
As the days passed, they boy hammered less nails into the fence, when he slowly learnt to control it. Finally, there was a day that he did not have to hammer a nail into the fence. He had learnt to control it! The boy's father was very proud. Then, he asked the boy to take out one nail from the fence everyday. After a while, the boy managed to take out every nail from the fence. Now, the boy was very happy that he has not lost his temper once. He is now very close with his family and he has many friends.
I like this story very much because it is very interesting. My favourite part of the story is when the boy had to hammer a nail in the fence every time he loses his temper. I like this part because it is an effective way for the boy to learn to control his temper.
The moral of the story is that we have to practice self control and not lose our temper over every little thing, and especially not to lose our temper with our loved ones. We have to learn self restraint and the best way is to think of an effective way like what the wise father taught the boy to do.
Posted by Jenn Lin at 5:08 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 27, 2010
28th March 2010: Sunday
A Normal Week
I got my exam marks this week:
BM pemahaman : 83%
BM penulisan: 75%
English: 87%
Mathematic: 97%
Science: 80%
I got number 11 in class. I am quite sad because i did not manage to get 5A's but i will work harder.
Anyways, Nurul Syamilah is now my school's head prefect and Danial Aiman is her assistant.
Posted by Jenn Lin at 10:43 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
21th March 2010: Sunday
Holidays! Sleepovers are so fun!
On 15th to 17th of March, Jacey Hen went over to my house! Our mothers decided to make the sleepover after tuition. The sleepover was held at my house in Kinrara, Puchong. We had so much fun! We played Sims 3 a lot (well, mostly Jacey played) and I got to finish a book entitled "The Little Secret" that Jacey had lent to me. We also spent some of our time to do our homework.
On Thursday night, I went to Jacey's house for another sleepover. We had this sleepover because on Friday, we had something going on in Jacey's church. It was friendship day and Jacey decided to bring me along. We played a game called The Amazing Race. It was very fun.
The holidays are almost over! Tomorrow, school will start.
Posted by Jenn Lin at 10:41 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 21, 2010
7th March 2010 : Eigth Week
Trip to the Movies!
Yesterday, I followed a school trip to Pavilion to watch a movie called The Magic Pudding. The show was very interesting and exciting. There are also a few moral values in the story. I had so much fun and i am glad that i got a chance to have fun with my friends.
On Monday, we have exams! I better go and study right now. I hope will do well in my exams this time.
Posted by Jenn Lin at 2:00 AM 0 comments
Story Review
Title: The Caring Tree
Author: Sheikh Hassas Seylan 'Abad
Illustrated by: Raihan Munif Bahasuan
Published By: Abd Ceria Enterprice
This book is about a boy and a tree. The boy used to play around the tree everyday when he was small. As the boy grew older, he seldom played with the tree. He only came to the tree if he needed something from the tree. Every time he needed something from the tree, the tree will always grant his wishes. However, the boy was never thankful.
This book is very good to read because there are many moral values in the story that should be applied by everybody. The book is very interesting and very well written. In my opinion, the author is very creative and he uses a lot of interesting words.
Posted by Jenn Lin at 1:45 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 27, 2010
*;* 28 February 2010 : Seventh week *;*
There is nothing more fun to do than go to school!
Senamrobik practice has already started, extra classes will start tomorrow and speech and drama classes will start on Tuesday. I am getting more and more busy! Luckily, on Friday, there was no school!
Anyways, i was in the top fourteen to become a head prefect! Unfortunately, i din't make it to the top five. Nurul Syamilah, Danila Aiman, Lye Meng Kit, Azhad and Harraz were chosen. Please vote for Syamilah!
Posted by Jenn Lin at 10:25 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 20, 2010
20 February: Sixth Week
Singapore! A beautiful place!
My family and I went to Singapore for three days two nights. We went to Singapore to visit my aunties, uncles, nieces, and nephews. We stayed at my aunty's house. My aunty works at Marche, Vivo CIty. We went to Sentosa and visited my one year old niece, Victoria. She is so cute!
The babies of Singapore!This naughty Vicky. Stole the watermelon from me! She won anyway.
She squashed my watermelon into pieces!
In the end, i had to pick it up. Well, its okay. She had fun.Baby Vicky! So cute! She just woke up from her nap. A bit grumpy.
Look at her cousin, Zeph, until like that!
Playing with her other cousin, Zene. Zene is the big sister or Zeph.
Three kids playing with the fridge magnets.
Zeph playing with little bird! He is so scared to touch it.
This little boy! Look at the plastic bag until like that! He wants to know what is inside.
Spot Zeph?He looks cute in the Sam Fu! He is 3 years old.
Bird!Is it a real bird? Yes! She is a very cute bird but it likes to bite!
It's a cute bird!
My aunt ready for work!
The welcoming cows of Marche dressed in Chinese New Year clothes!A family picture at Marche! Although, my brother is missing.
My aunty busy working. Making her famous crepe.
Rosti and snail sausage! Delicious!
Prawn! Also very nice to eat!
Raw salmon and salad at the bottom. I dint enjoy this but my mother did!
seafood paella!
The best of all! Sweet crepe! I love this. The cook, a friend of my aunty, gave as an extra scoop of ice cream and more strawberrys'!
Our check! Paid RM 97.35. This is very cheap! Due to my aunty working there, we got 50 percent off!
Posted by Jenn Lin at 4:54 AM 1 comments
13 February : Fifth week
Chinese New Year!
It's Chinese New Year! Yesterday, all my family members including my cousins, aunties and uncles came to my grandfather's house for our family reunion. We ate steamboat! The steamboat was delicious! This morning, i received a lot of ang paus' from my aunties and uncles. Then, we went relative visiting! visited my great grandmother and my grand auntie's house. Later, we went to the temple, 3rd grand uncle's house, then home for lunch, followed by aunt's house and finally family dinner at home. We were very tired when we reached home! We do this every year! It is our tradition. Delicious food!
Everybody eating! This is the senior citizen table.
This table is for the young people!
This is a picture of my whole family. We took it in the morning on Chinese New Year.
My brother, sister and me! My sister and i are tigers ans my brother is a dragon.
When we were going to visit our relatives, everyone was everywhere!
So many cars!
My brother praying at the temple.
My mother, brother, sister and me!A family picture! We take a family picture at the temple every year.
My third uncle
Another family picture! haha
My grand aunty
Can you see my cousin? He is a cactus flower!
At night, all three of us using laptops!
This is an old picture that was taken years ago!
This is also an old picture that was taken a few year back.
Posted by Jenn Lin at 2:44 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 1, 2010
1 February: Fourth Week
A fun adventure!
This week, i went to Pulau Pangkor! I had so much fun there. My family and I went there for three days two nights. We left on Saturday morning. Before we left, I had to try to finish my homework. There is so much homework! Luckily, i get to finish almost all of my homework. It took a few hours to reach at Pulau Pangkor. We stayed at Pulau Pangkor Beach Resort. There, my family and I did a lot of activities. I also gained a lot of experiences! I have a few pictures to show you:
Me! I love this picture. My sister took it for me. It is at the beach.
There are so many horn birds at the resort. They are all over the place! It is nice to see them eat to fruits served for them.
My sister took this picture today. At the beach, near the rocks.
Peacock! When we reached the chalet, there was a peacock showing off it's feathers. It does that to show the beauty of it's feathers.
The peahens wanted to go into one of the chalets.
My sister went para sailing. The three guys there taught her how to use it. She enjoyed her ride. I was too scared to go para sailing.
Before going to Pulau Pnagkor, we stopped to look at the leaning tower known as "menara condong". It is actually a clock tower.
My sister and I. It is very hot at Pulau Pangkor. We had to put a lot of sunblock!
My family and I went island hoping and snorkeling. I was sitting with my aunty. My mother took a lot of photos of the islands we saw.
Only my brother, cousin, sister and me went snorkeling. We could not see many fishes but they were the same type of fish. We din't get to see any corals' because the water is too green. Anyways, my mother, aunty and dad rather sit down and watch us snorkle.
The crabs are just so cute! My sister and I love chasing them all around the beach. Most of them will dig holes into the holes and hide.
Me again. I was walking at the seaside. The seawater is very cold and nice to walk in. I love this beach!
Posted by Jenn Lin at 5:40 AM 6 comments